Learn more about me
Hello, I'm Nemanja and I'm a multi-talented human. Most of my time I programming.
I'm also a multi-disciplinary maker with experiences in wide range of design disciplines, manager, advisor, Front-end and Backend developer, traveler, photography lover and more.
Check My Resume
Sinergija University, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tehnical school "Mihajlo Pupin", Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Partner d.o.o. - masineialati.ba, Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
M-Optic d.o.o., Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
InfoSistem d.o.o., Bijeljina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
My Services
Creating an action site with the necessary set of information blocks to attract the attention and interest of your client
Setting up advertising campaigns in Social networks and Google Adwords, or analyze and optimize already launched ones